Savereign PPE

What do we do

SAVEREIGN feels the obligation of providing the safest and most reliable PPE to fullfill your needs. We are dedicated to supporting the global community with our best qualified products.

Our products are NIOSH, FDA registered, CDC EUA authorized, ASTM standard, European FFP2 & FFP3 and CE qualified.

We successfully supplied Apple, and most importantly, we help schools, colleges, companies, agencies, hospitals, and governments build a global community with safety.


If you are in contact with any companies, organizations and communities, spread this information out to them, we shall help the world together and make it a better place!

Savereign Face Mask Production

Totally clean and reliable, daily output up to five million pcs, never worry we always have sufficient backups to fulfill your health care needs and eliminate your safety concerns immediately. Daily output 5,000,000 pcs.

Auto Melt-Blown Fiber Production

Particle filtration Efficiency up to 99%, medical grade. It’s the core material for masks and gowns, helps protect against certain particles and always makes your safety the priority.

Good Manufacturing Process

Clean and well managed manufacturing process, quick response, stable quality, even customized design, we provide you all the features you will need, super large variety of choices.


For every ten masks sold, Savereign will donate one disposable 3-ply face mask to those who are in need.

To be considered for a donation, contact us and we will reach out to you!

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Savereign NIOSH N95 Respirator