Savereign N95/KN95 Respirator

Why wear a respirator?

As the numbers of infection cases further develops into a higher level, we understand that wearing a respirator is the most effective and straight forward solution to this life or death situation.

A face mask can not only stop you and your loved ones from contacting the virus directly with the mouth, face or nose – the virus carrier is able to spread the virus even during a daily conversation per se, but also blockade the carriers’ means of spreading the virus.

We all know, it is nearly impossible to purchase a 3M N95 nowadays, but you have more options than that, we provide the perfect alternative as opposing to the 3M N95 respirators, Savereign N95 respirators are NIOSH approved high-quality respirators that are able to filter out 95 percent of the small airborne particles, just as best as the 3M N95 respirators would perform. We are here to help solve this problem in the grand scheme, as the N95 respirators that are available publicly are so hard to find, we provide you a solution.

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California Warehouse, 50,000,000 pcs of all products


Our customized KN95 face masks are FDA registered and are made of nano-fiber, the newest technology available, it provides even better filtration rate than any other current fiber on the market.

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Savereign NIOSH N95 Respirator